RenderContent: combobox in automatic UI section

am I correct to say there is no way to produce a combo box when using AddAutomaticUserInterfaceSection?

seems to imply some extension of Rhino.Render.Fields, like an Add overload taking an enum type to build the combobox, perhaps optionally looking for display name & description attributes to use

The below code adds a combobox called combo1 with a default value 1 and a title “Text combo box”

Fields.Add("combo1", 1, "Text combo box");

Then one has to override the GetChildSlotParameter function. One has to return the value 3 in the “ui-hint”. This specifies that the control is a combobox. The current enum is internal, but this will work.

  public override object GetChildSlotParameter(string childSlotName, string parameterName)
    if (childSlotName == "combo1")
      if (parameterName == "ui-hint")
        return 3; // Combo

      if (parameterName == "control-set-enable")
        return true;

      if (parameterName == "combo-box-contents")
        return "Value1;Value2;Value3";

    return base.GetChildSlotParameter(parameterName, childSlotName);


it seems all is not working properly with this; the UI gets created, and operates, but it is only the first combo-box change that sticks, until I de-select the environment, and then select it again

here is a screen recording using 8.3.24009.15001 (my rhino has not yet asked to upgrade), raytraced viewport (which makes it clearer what is going on, by either restarting when a parameter changes, or not), where when I set a double field I see the update occur each time, but where when I change the combo box, only the first change after de-selecting/re-selecting the environment actually registers

the full code for this test environment is this:

using Rhino.Render;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace test_plugin
    public class TestEnvironment : RenderEnvironment
        public override string TypeName => "TestEnvironment";
        public override string TypeDescription => "TestEnvironment";

        public TestEnvironment()
            Fields.Add("testDouble", 1.234567, "Test Double");
            Fields.Add("testColor", Color.Gray, "Test Color");
            Fields.Add("combo1", 1, "Text combo box");

        protected override void OnAddUserInterfaceSections()
            AddAutomaticUserInterfaceSection("Parameters", 0);

        public override object GetChildSlotParameter(string childSlotName, string parameterName)
            if (childSlotName == "combo1")
                if (parameterName == "ui-hint")
                    return 3; // Combo

                if (parameterName == "control-set-enable")
                    return true;

                if (parameterName == "combo-box-contents")
                    return "Value1;Value2;Value3";

            return base.GetChildSlotParameter(parameterName, childSlotName);

Thank you for reporting. I will check this out. It seems to be a bug.

Created RH-80440 Automatic UI Combobox control value does not stick.

I put the fix into the Release Candidate. The fix is in Rhino v8.5

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