Remove Floating Intrallatice Struts & Simulate Scaffolding deformation

I recently got into Grassshopper for product development and so far I already learned a lot within a month, but now i got stumped with two very peculiar problems.

My goal is to create complex 3D scaffolds which I want to 3D print.
I use the intralattice and Dendro plugin to create a scaffold within a defined 3D volume for the front and the back of the defined volume.

Now to the issue. The scaffold I am creating has floating parts/struts which I cant print, so i want to have them removed. I dont know how to change the definition to get them removed from the scaffold without just deleting them manually.

Then as a second challenge, I am currently struggling to get a proper kangoroo simulation for scaffold deformation. The scaffold will be insertedd in a flexible substrate and needs to hold under tension, so I want to simulate the deformation of the struts before we start printing.

Does anyone have a proper addvice how to solve these two issues?

Pic 1: Scaffold with floaty bits

Pic 2: Definition

As you can see I have a part where I define the cell shape and orientation, a section where I modifiy the base volume into a front and back side, the topology tool and the dendro scaffolding. The rest is WIP where I try to get the Kangoroo simulation working or just doubling of the components.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.

which is the common feature of all the parts that are floating and you want to delete?

I guess you could apply a filtering with Cull Pattern using a AND for the booleans:

→ is a given part intersecting anything else?
→ filter based on z coordinate of bottom face of bounding box of given part

the thing that a part is intersecting something else does not necessarily mean that given part is 3D printable (depending on the 3D printing technology you are going to use…)

on a side note, unless you would like to get screenshots back, you will need to upload a GH file with internalized geometries :slight_smile:

For getting rid of small floating parts, you might need to first use the Disjoint Mesh component in Grasshopper, or SplitDisjointMesh command in Rhino. The main part you want to keep likely has much higher volume than the floating bits, so you should be able to sort by volume and just keep the largest one.

Seconding what Daniel said. If you have a known number of objects exiting Dendro it’s good practice to Disjoint/BBox/Volume/Sort to remove any garbage data.

Also, have you looked at using Crystallon over IntraLattice? Crystallon has some more advanced population options, valence & float trimming lattice tools.

I’m much more of a novice when it comes to Kangaroo but I am pretty sure you are going to want to run any simulations on your lattice curve network before taking it into Dendro. Trying to run a deformation simulation on lattice mesh output from Dendro would be extremally painful.