React (TypeScript) + ShapeDiver Version 3


We are trying to integrate the last version of the viewer, but we are getting the next error using the npm and CDN version of the library:

thank you for your help!

We are not aware of this issue and have not been able to reproduce it so far. Would it be possible for you to create a codesandbox example that reproduces it?

Hello Mathieu,

Thanks for your reply, the next is the link with an example running Next.js + React + Shapediver Viewer V3

I added the codesandbox, thank you for your help!

I tried many combinations, we check that the session is loaded, but the viewer never shows anything

Thank you for the detailed reports, our viewer developer is currently looking at the issue.

Hello Mathieu,

May have an update on this issue

Hello, this is Michael, the viewer developer.

This was an issue on our side, we fixed it with version 1.11.5. I created a CodeSandBox with a ticket of mine to confirm this:

Please note that if you change the ticket, you might get an error because the domain used by CodeSandBox is not enabled by you. Just wanted to give you a heads up on this.

I hope this helps.
Cheers, Michael

Hey Michael,

Thank you for your reply and help. Now the model are loading correctly