[R8 issues] UI.Controls.ViewportControl creates unintentional viewport

I don’t recall having this problem in R7

Are you able to test Rhino 7 with your code to see if this is a regression?

If not, do you have some code so I can replicate?

Just tried it in Rhino 7, Custom view didn’t show up. It’s a regression for sure.

Try to run the below command in Rhino 7 and Rhino 8. I think you would replicate the issue I have.

        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)

            var viewportControl = new Rhino.UI.Controls.ViewportControl();

            return Result.Success;

Thanks @Wiley,

I can repeat this behaviour, I’ll look into why this is


I’m still looking into this, apologies it’s taking a while.

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