Hello, I am new to this software which is really great and powerful but at this stage I only need it for testing and verifying some things. In Matlab I am calculating surface curvatures. Mainly I am interested in principal curvatures k1 and k2 and their corresponding directions Dir1, Dir2. Based on those values I would like to calculate normal curvature in arbitrary direction. I have a working function in Matlab which calculates k1, k2 with directions, but I don’t know if directions are correct so I am looking for another software with built in functionalities where I can verify my results. Reading the documentation this calculation is possible with built in Principle curvature block which needs surface input but I have a mesh, so correct transformation is needed which I have problems with. How can I visualize or better export principle direction vectors for my part? Thank you in advance.
Test1.gh (21.0 KB)
emo1_m-REDUCED.stl (474.8 KB)