Yes if you want to use this method then I think you need to make a brep and then call the method on the brep. It is complaining because it needs a ‘self’ - the brep to refer to…
Help on method-descriptor IsPointInside
| IsPointInside(…)
| IsPointInside(self: Brep, point: Point3d, tolerance: float, strictlyIn: bool) -> bool
| Determines if point is inside Brep. This question only makes sense when
| the brep is a closed manifold. This function does not not check for
| closed or manifold, so result is not valid in those cases. Intersects
| a line through point with brep, finds the intersection point Q
| closest
| to point, and looks at face normal at Q. If the point Q
| is on an edge
| or the intersection is not transverse at Q, then
| another line is used.
| point: 3d point to test.
| tolerance: 3d distance tolerance used for intersection and determining strict inclusion.
| A good default is RhinoMath.SqrtEpsilon.
| strictlyIn: if true, point is in if inside brep by at least tolerance.
| if
| false, point is in if truly in or within tolerance of boundary.
| Returns: true if point is in, false if not.
Your question was already answered in our discussion here. The file includes most of the methods, you need for inclusion, intersection, and/or exclusion tests.
For example, line 152 to 175 of the GHPython script, inside the method is_inside():
# Count how many vertices of the test polyline are inside, outside of or conincident with container curve
inside_count, coincident_count, outside_count, unset_count = 0, 0, 0, 0
for vtx in test_polyline:
containment_test = other_curve.Contains(vtx)
if containment_test == rg.PointContainment.Inside:
inside_count += 1
if containment_test == rg.PointContainment.Coincident:
coincident_count += 1
if containment_test == rg.PointContainment.Outside:
outside_count += 1
if containment_test == rg.PointContainment.Unset:
unset += 1
if strict:
if inside_count > 0 and coincident_count == 0 and outside_count == 0 and unset_count == 0:
return True # strict inclusion
return False
if inside_count > 0 and coincident_count == 0 and outside_count == 0 and unset_count == 0:
return True # strict inclusion
elif inside_count > 0 and coincident_count > 0 and outside_count == 0 and unset_count == 0:
return True # inclusion with partiall coincidence
return False
I maybe should have cleared up that a vertex is basically the same as a point in this example.