Python event handling

It’s been a while, sorry about the very late reply and thank you alot for your helpful answer! I took your advise on setting a global flag and have atleast started considering undos, new and closed documents etc. There are probably a bunch of things to improve still, but atleast it seems to work out decently by now. Thank you!

Finally found the time to get this working, atleast on an acceptable level. Code below if you’re interested!

So far I’m only using the component for experimental purposes, so I don’t think it will cause any harm as of now. I’ll remember your feedback if i’ll release it. Thanks!

if 'events' not in sc.sticky:
    sc.sticky['events'] = {}
sc.sticky['flag'] = False

def subscribe_to(event, func, key):
    if key not in sc.sticky['events']:
        sc.sticky['events'][key] = event
    if key not in sc.sticky:
        sc.sticky[key] = func
        event += sc.sticky[key]

def unsubscribe_all():
    for key in sc.sticky['events']:
        if key in sc.sticky:
            sc.sticky['events'][key] -= sc.sticky[key]
    sc.sticky['events'] = {}

# Set global flag to 'True' when event is fired
def event1(sender, e):
    sc.sticky['flag'] = True

# ExpireSolution if global flag is 'True' and set it back to 'False'
def event2(sender, e):
    if sc.sticky['flag'] == True:
        sc.sticky['flag'] = False

def event3(sender, e):

subscribe_to(doc.BeforeTransformObjects, event1, 'BeforeTransformObjects')
subscribe_to(Rhino.RhinoDoc.DeleteRhinoObject, event1, 'DeleteRhinoObject')
subscribe_to(Rhino.RhinoApp.Idle, event2, 'Idle')
subscribe_to(Rhino.RhinoDoc.CloseDocument, event3, 'CloseDocument')
subscribe_to(Rhino.RhinoDoc.NewDocument, event3, 'NewDocument')

Any thoughts on this? Thankful for any feedback and suggestions!
Also, i’ve noted that the documentation at: now targets Rhino 6. Do you know where I can find complete documentation for Rhino 5 (latest SR)?
