Hey all, I’m banging my head on a very frustrating bug that I can’t figure out. I have a simple script that I use to vertically move objects down (or up) to the world-xy plane. I’m slicing objects to then be CNC’d. The script works great for single objects, but once it’s a group of objects I can’t get it to work. Here’s what I have:
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
objectIds = rs.GetObjects("Select objects to move")
def moveObjects( objectsList ):
bbox = rs.BoundingBox(objectsList, view_or_plane=None, in_world_coords=True)
objectsMoved = 0
if bbox:
bottomPoint = bbox[0]
zHeight = bottomPoint[2]
rs.MessageBox( 'SendToXYPlane: zheight %f' % zHeight )
idsMoved = rs.MoveObjects(objectsList, [0,0,-zHeight])
objectsMoved += len( idsMoved )
return objectsMoved
if objectIds:
objectsMoved = 0
groupsMoved = 0
groupsToMove = []
for objectId in objectIds:
objectGroups = rs.ObjectGroups( objectId )
if objectGroups:
for group in objectGroups:
if group not in groupsToMove:
groupsToMove.append( group )
objectsMoved += moveObjects( [objectId] )
for group in groupsToMove:
groupsMoved += 1
objectsMoved += moveObjects( rs.ObjectsByGroup( group ) )
rs.MessageBox( 'SendToXYPlane: Moved %i object(s) in %i group(s) to WorldXY plane' % (objectsMoved, groupsMoved) )
rs.MessageBox( 'SendToXYPlane: Error, no objects moved' )
The problem seems to be that the rs.MoveObjects command fails if the objects are in a group. I’ve retooled the script so it tries to move all the objects in the group at once, but it still fails. I can’t find any info on how I should move groups otherwise, but is there some other command to do this?
I’m running 5.2.1 on a Mac