Principal data input in a custom cluster

Hi there!

I have been working on a cluster and I was wondering if there is the posibility to make one of the inputs of the cluster the principal data. I mean, in grasshopper components there is the option to make an input the principal data in order to structure the output data tree when the inputs have different data tree structure. Here is an example:

When I try the same with a cluster this method doesn’t work. Anyone knows how to fix that?


Edit the title of your topic and add the grasshopper category to attract the right people !

My guess:
The principal Data setting for a cluster is without effect.
You have to set it inside the cluster.
As fare as I understand the multiple cluster-inputs do not interact regarding Data-Mapping.

Compared to a Scripting-Component its hard (impossible ?) to set a constant Data-Typing / Signature for a Cluster. (Data-type and Structure Item/List/Tree for input or output/return)
It would be great @DavidRutten to have this feature / ability !

it might be very complicated if not impossible to make a data input Principal for a cluster, but it might be possible to edit the Cluster content in such a way a given -static- Cluster input is always the Principal (well, not sure about how to do it, but I have a feeling… :slight_smile: )

Thanks for your answers!
As you say, I think it’s impossible to change the principal input data tree from outside the cluster just with setting “principal” at the input. I tried to solve that inside the cluster using the “Match tree” component but still doesn’t work.

So it seems that the principal data tree in a multiple cluser-inputs has to be defined inside the cluster and it’s static, I mean is not possible to change it from outside the cluster.

this is the most stupid thing I could think about: an empty pass-through component in front of the Cluster, outside the Cluster, in such a way data flows inside the Cluster itself already “principalized” :slight_smile:

sounds completely wrong on many levels… I should have gone to sleep already
