Very well hidden - I am hopeless over here.
Can someone help me finding a method to get the list of vertices of a polyline. Or control points of a degree 2 crv?
Thank you
Very well hidden - I am hopeless over here.
Can someone help me finding a method to get the list of vertices of a polyline. Or control points of a degree 2 crv?
Thank you
What do you want to do with the list?
A Polyline is already a Point3dList, so you can iterate through it or access points at a particular index like a regular list.
You can also use ToArray() to convert it to an array of Point3d.
Got it. Thanks
x = Polyline Curve
a = rh.Collections.Point3dList.ToArray(x.ToPolyline())
Or more simply:
a = x.ToArray();
a = x.ToPolyline().ToArray()
in this case