Point Groups not working

For the life of me I cannot work out why point group is not working for these two points. They are 0 distance apart - I would expect a single branch of two items to come out. Weirdly, when I add a point at 0,0,0 they do group together

Strange but it seems that if your input to the Point Groups component is a group of identical points it outputs a DataTree with 1 point in each branch. Outcome seems to be the same regardless of how many points. 2 identical points outputs 2 branches, 100 identical points outputs 100 branches. As you’ve described, adding 1 unique point to the list causes the component to produce the expected output.

230712_point_groups_bug.gh (9.4 KB)

Seems like a bug to me.


The PointGroups gh component provides different results from GH vs GhPython and RhinoPython: GH groups 57222 points into 60 branches, while both Python versions provide a single branch with 57222 points…is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thank you in advance.

Has there been any update on this bug reported? I am seeing the same scenario, duplicate points are not recognized as within the proximity range and each instance gets a branch.

I found the attached C# script in a another thread, by @magicteddy that seems to be an improvement but does not provide the index list.

GroupPointsC#.gh (6.6 KB)