Planar curve from many points


I have data of points, which means the distance from the center and each angle is 360/1440. I made this from the CSV.

Like this curve and surface I drew in the Rhino, I want to make a ‘loosely’ closed area or curve from these points.

But because of it depends on the number of points, Nurbs curve create curve with short wave.
Loft loose type is still tight.

Is there a solution to get loose curves or surfaces from points?
Or, do I have to reduce the point? (For example, select the farthest point every three.)

Sorry for my English.

data of (21.3 KB)
Points data.csv (33.0 KB)

This looks to me like a classic Sort by Angle task (user controls the ref Point) … then do something with the points (Polyline, Curve [Interpolate/Control pts] etc). But I have no idea about the max N of pts in these RhinoCommon Methods.

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Here’s a possibility, but who knows, because you didn’t post your data:

angular (10.4 KB)

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Well … for a flat collection … you’ll need 2 lines if your ref Pt is the average … or 3 if you use some user defined Pt (if != Point3d.Unset). Wonder what happens if you input 1Z points (maybe computer explodes, maybe not). (6.0 KB)

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Sorry for the wrong question. I edited it.

I guess is something like this.

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data of (28.1 KB)

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May I ask what are these points?

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The center is the user, and the points mean the distance between visitors and user every minute. I want to create area that depending on the distance value.
Actually, this data wrote by my hand in sheet, according to my observing. This is not accurate data. That is the most regrettable part.

Thanks for your help. This is amazing.

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Thanks to everyone. This forum is amazing place.