Overwritten section parameters for different section shape

Dear Karamba3d,

I tried to do a simple beam analysis with the parameter of a custom section. I selected a random section in Karamba3d then I modify the parameters. But i realized that the beam stress result is still changing when I change the section type in the very first selection. May I ask why it is like this? I am supposing that if I overwritten the section parameters, the results should be calculated according to my parameters no matter which section I selected initially.

parametric analysis.gh (60.6 KB)

Dear @Xinyue1,
the calculation of stresses as displayed via the BeamView-component take the curvatures and axial strains as well as the geometry of the cross section as their basis. So if you change the mechanical properties of a cross section but not its outlines those stresses will be wrong.
Sorry for this. We plan to add the possibility to supply user-defined cross-section outlines to solve this display problem.
The resulting deformations, natural frequencies and utilization according to EC3 should be correct though.
– Clemens