OptiCroSec optimized truss structure fails under buckling

Hello everyone,

for my master thesis I am trying to design an optimized truss structure.
After I apply to OptiCroSec and want to verify the buckling resistance, something happens that I don’t understand.

The 2nd order analyse component already gives me a warning that the systems buckles in 13 modes.
The buckling load factors are also very small.

What do I need to do so that the OptiCroSec component also takes buckling into account?
I am using Rhino 7 and Karamba3D 2.2.

The optimisation does take buckling into account. This results indicate that you probably need to increase your cross section profile sizes.

Hi Matthew, thanks for your reaction.
There should be plenty of larger options left in the CroSec family I have selected.

I tried forcing it to use larger cross-sections by assigning it a buckling length in Z-direction.
Only this way, I can get my Buckling Load Factors above 1.
Do you maybe know what settings could be wrong resulting my OpiCroSec outcome to be off by so much?

if you share your script, we can take a look at it

Hi Matthew,

I have attached the script. I only get an output that does not buckle when I manually give the buckling length as an input.

I hope you find some time to look at my script!

Optimized side wall_v 0.3_1 Evaluation Version.gh (64.7 KB)