Offset Issues with SubD

Hello All,
I’ve found something odd with the SubDs offset command.
The picture below shows 4 surface:

1: a SubD (the red one on top, which is the first surface I’ve created)
2: a Nurbs that matches the Subd (the blue one on top, which is converted from the first).
3 and 4: the offsetted surfaces - obviously with the same value from both the SubD and the Nurbs. And they don’t match, expecially in the middle when the SubD command approximate the surface (the offset is 13mm in this case and the error is 0.5mm max).

How to avoid this? I’ve found that if I increase the first SubD subdivision the error is lower. Is it possible to increase the subdivision of the offsetted surface if/where needed and during the command in order to keep the error as minimum as possible?

Thank you.

Hi @Aaron_Borin
IIRC Sub-D offset is really offsetting the cage of the Sub-D, not the surface - hence the discrepancy. The more subdivisions (ie. “resolution”) the closer you get to a precise offset. Hopefully one of the bigger Sub-D brains will confirm :slight_smile:
HTH, Jakob

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Hello Jakob,

Thank you. It make perfect sense.
I was wondering… it would be really nice to have a “loose option” in the command. The current command can be the Loose=Yes and a more accurate result (with resonable higher “resolution”) can be the Loose=No.
The Loose=No option can cut the sequence: Convert to Nurbs → Offset Nurbs → Convert to SubD → (possible) cleaning and adjusting.

Just an idea :star_struck:


try using the _SubDivide command first


Yes. That’s what I didd, but I was looking for something more, let’s say, automatic.