NurbsCurve (NurbCrv) component

Hi there!
I’m trying to experiment with the NurbsCurve component. I read some topics about number of control points, degree but what is not clear to me is the relation of these elements with the knot vectors number. How many of them I need according to the control points number. What does they represent and what is the range they must have. My goal is to represent a curve that can be changed (simply with sliders) from a circle to a general closed spline or eventually to a kinky closed curve.
Thanks for your help! (10.8 KB)

We seem to be maintaining these pages:

I’ve always felt the Wikipedia entries on knots and b-splines are pretty decent.

This appears to be a good applet, showing you the relationships between control-points, knots and basis-functions.

I’m not sure I can explain it well, but I always try to think of a Nurbs curve as a string of simple segment that are all relatively simple in shape. The transition from one segment to the next can be very smooth, but also it can be a sharp kink. The locations of the transitions between these segments are what the knot-vector describes.

Thanks for your fast reply. I’ll read a learn a bit more about Nurbs curve!