New Modeler/ NEED HELP

Hi! I’m pretty new to modeling, and have been doing some practice projects, but now I’m trying my hand at doing a model I’m ultimately trying to print. It is a short beanie style.

My problem is if I FlowAlongSrf the knit pattern onto the beanie surface that works, and I can BooleanUnion it together if its just one knit pattern on the srf.

But if I try to ArrayPolar the pattern around to make it 360, suddenly I can’t BooleanUnion any of the polysurfaces? I’m not sure where I’m going wrong with this. ANY help would be sooo appreciated. Thanks!!

I’ve checked edges, and nothing isn’t closed. it seems to be intersection problems, but I’m having trouble resolving it.

Hi Anthony,

many times Rhino have some problems doing boolean unions of too many objects intersecting each other. That’s why the boolean union with a single knit pattern works, while it fails when you try to make all of them at the same time.

I would say: try to make the boolean union with just some patterns at a time.

As a second solution you could try to remove the intersections between knits before doing the union, i.e. making some boolean subtractions between the knits themselves.

Let me know if you obtain something…

:: Gian

Boolean Union many parts will take a very long time and often failed in broken faces. I was struggled until SurfaceRelief plugin. This video demostrates how to model a rich detailed NurbsSurface could be similar to your case. If you privade the photo reference, I can look in specific.

If you did that with FlowAlongSrf, it seems likely the knots at the top are all squeezed down to nothing and won’t boolean well. Maybe deal with the very top separately, for one thing here…

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Great responses! Thank you! Will report back

Yeah you were right, thank you!!!