New creative structures at the Botanical Garden

Check out these beautiful butterfly and caterpillar volumetric structures designed by the architectural studio INTERIOR137 ARCHITECTS for the Botanical Garden of Medellín, Joaquín Antonio Uribe.

These two large-scale structures will welcome visitors to the new butterfly garden at the Botanical Garden.

The shapes are made of a self-supporting metal structure. The structures are large containers to grow plants and will become covered by vegetation with the shapes of a butterfly and caterpillar.

Architects Ana María Bustamante and David Vanegas used Rhino in the design process to visualize the sculptures in 3-D and for the development of the construction plans.

For more information please contact David Vanegas and Ana Bustamante by email at

What is RhinoFabStudio? A RhinoFabStudio (fabrication studio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.

Posted Apr 30, 2019 by Andres Gonzalez on Rhino News, etc.