The logic is like this; it takes the brep with index “0” in the brep list and compares it with other breps. Then, brep with index “0” and if there are other similar breps, it separates them and loops the remaining list again.
But the same geometries occurred in different branches and I couldn’t find where the problem comes from.
I would appreciate if anyone can help. (146.9 KB)
that said, because your data is static and triangles are not going to change when you compare them, why using a loop in first place? and why looping the geometries themselves when you could just loop their indexes?
Yes, I forgot to mention this, but I realized my mistake here and fixed it.
Honestly, I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying here I’ll have to think about it.
My purpose is to cluster similar panels, then define a single panel for the panels in the same cluster and place that panel on the surface.