I’m writing a code to generate simple branch structure in grasshopper.
I use couple of ‘global list variable’ to store lines and points.
The list for points is fine, but the list for curves only stores ‘null’.
Please see the screenshot and code below. Thanks for your help in advance.
randomBranching_WIP.gh (9.0 KB)
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import random as rnd
if go :
wanderpt (attr, walkingDist)
checkdistandaggr(attr, boundary, min_dist)
aggr =
lines =
wander_pt = rg.Curve.PointAt(boundary, rnd.uniform(0, 1))
a = wander_pt
b = lines
c = aggr
def wanderpt (attr, scaleDist) :
global wander_pt
vec = rs.VectorCreate(attr, wander_pt)
vec = rs.VectorUnitize(vec)
vec = rs.VectorScale(vec, scaleDist)
ang = rnd.uniform(-75, 75)
vec = rs.VectorRotate(vec, ang, rs.VectorCreate( [0,0,1], [0,0,0]))
wander_pt = rs.VectorAdd(vec, wander_pt)
def checkdistandaggr(attr, boundary, m_dist) :
global wander_pt
global aggr
global lines
for i in range(len(aggr)):
dist = rs.Distance(wander_pt, aggr[i])
if dist < m_dist:
lines.append(rs.AddLine(wander_pt, aggr[i]))
wander_pt = rg.Curve.PointAt(boundary, rnd.uniform(0, 1))