Nearby points in curves

Hello, I would like to know how it would be possible for a program with many curves to move the vertices close to a specific tolerance, for example, as shown in the image if there are two points closer to 2 centimeters, move them so that they are in the same Location.

I ask for an apology if I have an editorial error, since I use a translator from Spanish to English.

thank you very much, and I am attentive to your answers

good day

hola, quisiera saber como seria posible que de un archivo con muchas curvas el programa mueva los vertices cercanos a una tolerancia especifica, por ejemplo como se ve en la imagen si hay dos puntos mas cerca de 2 centimetros los mueva para que esten en la misma ubicacion.

Pido una disculpa si tengo algun error de redaccion, ya que use un traductor de español a ingles.

muchas gracias, y estoy atento a sus respuestas

buen dia

Hi Javier try with find similar.

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Nice. When I rebuilt your code (which I generally never do! esp. because I don’t read icons), I found the ‘PLine C (Closed)’ input needs to be set. So I added that, based on whether or not the original curve is closed (‘Cls’). (10.5 KB)

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