Modeling in iRhino3D WIP


Looking forward to hear your ideas.

They were not removed. If you tap the pin icon next to the command suggestion (for example Curve or CurveBoolean in your screenshot) you get a shortcut button in a resizable container. Similarly you can save a macro if you start typing in the commandline and your input contains a space

Hi Morteza

Thanks for your reply, I see I overlooked the pin icons.

Here is my first idea (just a rough draft done in Photoshop with random tools). A menu for the most used tools, separated into “Curves”, “Surfaces”, “Solids” and “Tools” (called Transform in Rhino for desktop, I just feel “Tools” makes more sense)

A + opens a new almost full screen menu, with all tools available for the category (I’m thinking both icon and a small title below). The main menu should update over time, including only the most used tools.

This menu should show / hide with the squeeze function in the Pencil Pro, and be transparent when panning and hide after selecting a tool, like the current container.

Hovering over icons with Pencil or mouse shows the title below.

Tapping on the pencil should re-select last used tool.
When pressing down, dragging objects should be enabled (crashes today).

Command bar should always show, and be ready for scribble with the pencil.

So, this is just one idea, there are for sure other solutions. Squeezing and tapping on the pencil should open up a lot of options to get the work done using less steps.

Let me know what you guys think?

Best regards

Hi Kim,

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.
Reading between the lines, the modeling workflow you’re suggesting relies heavily on the pencil but no physical keyboard? Is that correct?
Have you thought about numeric input for precise lengths, points, angles etc.?

I agree, as we get more functionality into iRhino we need a way to organize the UI. Logged here, But I don’t know if predefining categories is the right way to go. We’ll never going to have everything on the screen because the solution we come up with has to work on smaller screens (iPhone) as well. I think allowing the user to define their own grouping may be more appropriate.

Tapping the pencil now toggles between window selection and markup.

I’m aware of this crash.

You can do that with Right click or long press now. But I like the idea
RV-1147 Command icon description on hover

If using a keyboard, you can just stat typing an commandline appears

Hi Morteza

Yes, my idea was to heavily rely on the Pencil - of course it should work just using fingers, even if more clunky and more steps, but from playing around with the Pencil Pro, I do believe it’s not too far from being really useful without mouse and keyboard. If you add a folio keyboard and a mouse, it’s as heavy as a laptop, then what is the point? But of course, if people have a keyboard and mouse connected, these should work as well.

I do use commands and numeric input when using Rhino on desktop, and I was thinking if it would be possible just call up a small numeric keyboard every time numeric input is available, and no keyboard is detected? Right now it calls up the full keyboard, and it’s extra steps.

I agree this is the tricky part, having less space. But if you only let the user define what should be available, then it will perhaps never work well for beginners. I taught myself how to use Rhino in 3 days back in 2015. Very basic stuff, but even though Rhino has a million functions, you can model most basic things using very few tools - connect curves to surfaces, surfaces to solids etc. So I was thinking it could be nice to have a beginner menu of some sort, where you can do most basic things using very few tools - if a beginner have a success experience with this, they will continue using it and learn more advanced functions down the road.

Yes, about that - Mark up mode only really makes sense in viewer mode, not modelling mode, I think it would be best to remove the markup thing in WIP / modelling mode, as it often gives erroneous inputs.


Cool! Less steps / clicks is always preferred.

Yes I know, but if you only use a pencil, then it’s an extra step to open the scribble thing - which works fine when it’s open, even though it’s pretty low in height, you can just write all over the screen, as long as some of the letters is written within the box.

One more thing - and I’m sure this is just one out of a whole bunch of use case scenarios. The OS knows where the Pencil is, so for instance, when I use the cut tool, I have to move the pencil down and confirm with the green checkmark - it could be really cool if a check mark button came up next to where the pencil is, as moving the hand that much can start to cause erroneous inputs from the hand.

I’m not 100% sure, but I have a gut feeling that Rhino on iPad with a Pencil Pro could become almost as easy to use as keyboard and mouse, if you were to utilize all of the new functionality of the Pencil Pro, squeeze, double tap, barrel roll and the pressure sensitive tip.

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What we have in the WIP now is the stuff that I don’t feel like they’re polished enough to go on the Appstore build yet. I wasn’t necessarily thinking there will be viewer/modeling modes eventually, but maybe that makes sense.

I think I might be able to expand the area where scribble is recognized.

Logged here RV-1148 Command UI following pencil hover

How do you see barrel roll and pressure sensitivity being used?