Mesh Curvature over 3d scan

What is the easiest way to see mesh curvature over 3d scan in Rhino 7 / windows (may be also GH solution)

I`ve found only the NGON GH plugin:

but I don`t what CurvatureType should I deliver. I wonder also about the rest options in that node.

CurvatureAnalysis | Rhino 3-D modeling.

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Thanks but I still don`t understand. CurvatureAnalysis command works only with surfaces (not with meshes). If your answer was what options should I feed to CurvatureType I don’t know if I should fee string, string with capital letters, or integer as a representation of those types. Could you show me a working example of that?

I know that it should look like that but I don`t know what data is behind those options

for example that pair:
should feed “Quadratic fitting 3 coefficients” as a string or integer 0 as a representation of that option?

Ok, I’ve solved it. I`ve found the working part in some other thread in this forum. I extracted the working part from there and it works.

Mesh Curvature Analysis (NGom GH plugin).gh (11.0 KB)

It would be nice if in future Rhino team would do some curvature analysis also for point clouds, meshes and subd. IMO all analysis Rhino tools should work over all possible items.