Hello everybody,
is there any way to evaluate the number of meshes surrounding a specific mesh? as an instance, I want to discrete those two triangle meshes which have 3 meshes in their adjacency from
the others which have two or one.Hello everybody,
is there any way to evaluate the number of meshes surrounding a specific mesh? as an instance, I want to discrete those two triangle meshes which have 3 meshes in their adjacency from
the others which have two or one.Hi Mahanmotamedi1991,
you can try it with this example.
It uses the plug-in Mesh+ (https://www.food4rhino.com/app/mesh) and weaverbird to subidivide the mesh ( which is optional in your case!).
With Mesh+ you can obtain different data from your mesh, like connectivity or angles etc…
Hope it helps!
Mesh - adjacency.gh (19.3 KB)
just for fun, checking how many mid-points of an edge there are. 4 means 1 adjacent face, 5=2 and 6=3.
probably best to use a mesh plugin as Bumaye suggested.
mesh_adj.gh (10.5 KB)
Can you please share your "face boundaries’ component file?
I’m pretty sure it’s native to Grasshopper.
Have a look at this:
Mesh_adjacency_re.gh (20.1 KB)
Hope i got it right.
If you need to work with convex shapes, you could just shorten external perimeter segments by 0.001% (so endpoint doesn’t touch start point of next segment) and use them instead.
Thanks Amir.