MatchSrf moves control points too much

Green is the original surface, red is the MatchSrf result:

I don’t see why the control points needed to move in any other direction than the normal direction here, but unfortunately there’s no option to restrict this?

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hard to tell what is going on from an image and not knowing how you have your options set, but I’m quite sure something similar was reported by at least @sgreenawalt and logged

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maybe check if the edges have kinks or aren’t merged?

also maybe check the closest or nearest point option?

if using curves maybe check composition of those curves…

Sub optimal MatchSrf behavior like this is so far down the stack of stuff that should be massaged/fixed, I would not expect it to ever be addressed. However, your surfaces are not over-defined to the point that you can’t simply manually adjust your verts in U/V to achieve the desired point distribution. It’s 10-20X faster to do this with the Cyberstrak Control Point Editing tool than MoveUVN, so that would be my suggestion.

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Cyberstrak is definitely far faster to do these actions. Unfortunately, MatchSrf is a great function that does great matching, but seemingly seems to have a Joker function that randomly makes the surface maximum entropy, by just launching the points everywhere into the maximum chaos it can get away with while providing an aesthetically/functionally correct solution!

While not perfect, I also find that Cyberstak already often outperforms MatchSrf in actual match requests, to the point that I frequently find zero surface tangency and curvatures using GlobalEdgeContinuity.

I’m finding a combination of Rhino’s match surf, Cyberstrak’s realtime deviation tools and then Cyberstrak’s CP editing tool to be a handy combo in cases like this.

The realtime deviation tools help you massage the shape back as close as you can to the original in double quick time.

I’ve said this before but I don’t think one should have to rely on 3rd party plugins to achieve basic functionality in Rhino… but I guess they have to keep the price down somehow.

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