Manage Assemblies in C# component Unclickable

Hello everyone,

I have created a copy of a gh file that had custom c# components with an external library reference in it. I have to reload the assembly, but when I click on manage assemblies the window with the add option does pop up anymore.

Can I fix this, or should I recreate the component?

@Eleni_Georgiou I’m sorry somehow we missed this post. Are you still having this issue?

Maybe related to this, the new RH8 script editor also does not seem to have an Manage assemblies option. Has this been moved?

@rudolf.neumerkel Yes. Required references for scripts are now handled by # r: or // r patttern in the script itself. This way when you publish a script, all the requirements of the script goes with it

makes sense, thanks a lot.
can you share an example line of code, how i would for example use a .dll assembly - for example the kanagroo solver?

Take a look at this How to manage assemblies in new C# editor? - #3 by eirannejad

for example if I know System.Text.Json.dll can be found within application path or is already loaded, I can specify:

// r "System.Text.Json"

using System.Text.Json;

Or if this is a dll on a specific location I can

// r "path/to/your/Library.dll"

using Library;
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thanks a lot, I will check it out!

Cheers, Rudi

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Just stumbled upon this…
Does path with windows formatting works too? (with the \ instead of / )