for sure it is doable. Here a way but beware it is quite dumb so you need to have some rules
Winding (direction of curve) has to be the coherent. This piece is not good
(results are internalized and Region Difference components are disabled, so you don’t have to worry opening this one… but if you need to use it on new curves just be prepared to give it a few minutes)
@inno your solution is more robust to curve orientation. I was just implementing it in my script . replace line by other shape.gh (736.6 KB)
@John_Molly by the way, if you use my solution curve orientation could be cured inside Grasshopper. Tools like Clipper always use orientation to know if it is an exterior or an hole. It is more easy as they work in 2D, for Rhino as it is 3D there is no good curve orientation as in 3d for curve there is no interior or exterior.
Often, waffle generators have a parameter for extending the length of the slits so an easy fix is to lengthen the waffle slits by the cutter radius. This is fine if the slits give a nice, tight fit when assembling.
Be sure to check the sheet thickness! 18mm plywood can vary between 17.7mm and 18.3mm, even across one sheet so waffle assemblies can end up being loose or tight.