Ah dang, I had actually written an example file for the AECtech workshop that does that too (i.e. shooting rays along the frustum line at the mouse position onto a list of meshes and drawing the closest hit mesh):
""" Highlight closest mesh under mouse position. Author: Anders Holden Deleuran """
import Rhino as rc
import Grasshopper as gh
import System.Drawing as sd
import GhPython.Assemblies.ExecutingComponent as component
class MyMouseCallback(rc.UI.MouseCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.move = None
def OnMouseMove(self,arg):
self.move = arg
class MyComponent(component):
def RunScript(self,Meshes):
self.meshes = Meshes
self.material = rc.Display.DisplayMaterial()
def DrawViewportMeshes(self,arg):
# Get mouse viewport position
if self.mouse.move:
mpt = self.mouse.move.ViewportPoint
# Make ray along frustum line at mouse
r,fl = arg.Viewport.GetFrustumLine(mpt.X,mpt.Y)
ray = rc.Geometry.Ray3d(fl.From,fl.Direction)
# Shot ray onto meshes
hitMeshes = []
hitParams = []
for m in self.meshes:
t = rc.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(m,ray)
if t >= 0.0:
# Get closest hit mesh and draw it
if hitParams:
hm = hitMeshes[hitParams.index(max(hitParams))]
def __enter__(self):
self.mouse = MyMouseCallback()
self.mouse.Enabled = True
def __exit__(self):
self.mouse.Enabled = False
del self.mouse
Which is close to what @mrhe is suggesting, I think. But also pretty off topic, which I think was clickable HUD elements. But who cares, this is a great topic now. Thanks guys and happy Friday
Edit: Just added a check to make sure we get a mouse position, which was causing an error report in the Rhino command line upon initialisation.
Before optimizing prematurely, benchmark it. Ray casting is fast, really fast. Granted, Rhinoās implementation is not as fast as embree or optix, but you should be easily able to cast a few thousand rays and maintain interactive performance. What tends to be the bottleneck, though, are simple view redraw calls with denser scenes.
Setup a test scene with 1.000 objects and redraw your view on mouse move. No other logic is executed there. Now, make it 10.000, then 100.000 objects. At some point your model will slow down to a crawl, and there is very little you can do about it.
As for ray casting itself. There are many strategies to speed this up:
Multithread it
Introduce a broad collision phase where you first check a bounding box and only if it is hit, you proceed to the narrow and more expensive collision test
Use some sort of space partitioning structure. Rhino has the Rtree class, embree uses its own BVH (bounding volume hierarchy), but it could also be a screen space grid
Join all meshes into one and only ever shoot one ray (youād get the original mesh id based on a lookup table keeping track of original face indices). Joining meshes is slow but if you only do it once, it might be worth it
Any combination of the above methods.
All depends on your use case.
Good luck exploring the options!
I still need to pull the raytrace logic out of the Draw function but I modified to be able to get a selected index as well so that it now supports selection and hover:
""" Highlight closest mesh under mouse position. Author: Anders Holden Deleuran """
import Rhino as rc
import scriptcontext as sc
import ghpythonlib.component as component # Changed to this for Python 3
class MyMouseCallback(rc.UI.MouseCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.move = None
self.click = None
def OnMouseDown(self, e):
self.click = True
self.button = e.Button
def OnMouseUp(self, arg):
self.click = False
def OnMouseMove(self, arg):
self.move = arg
class MyComponent(component):
def RunScript(self, Meshes: list[object]):
self.meshes = Meshes
self.material = rc.Display.DisplayMaterial()
return self.hitMesh, self.hitIndex, self.SelectedIndex
def DrawViewportMeshes(self, arg):
# Get mouse viewport position
if self.mouse.move:
mpt = self.mouse.move.ViewportPoint
# Make ray along frustum line at mouse
r, fl = arg.Viewport.GetFrustumLine(mpt.X, mpt.Y)
ray = rc.Geometry.Ray3d(fl.From, fl.Direction)
# Shot ray onto meshes
hitMeshes = []
hitParams = []
hitIndices = []
for i, m in enumerate(self.meshes):
t = rc.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(m, ray)
if t >= 0.0:
# Get closest hit mesh and draw it
if hitParams:
hm = hitMeshes[hitParams.index(min(hitParams))]
hi = hitIndices[hitParams.index(min(hitParams))]
# self.hitMesh = hm
self.hitMesh = None
self.hitIndex = hi
if self.mouse.click and str(self.mouse.button) == "Left":
sc.sticky["sel_index"] = hi
self.SelectedIndex = sc.sticky["sel_index"]
self.SelectedIndex = sc.sticky["sel_index"]
self.hitMesh = None
self.hitIndex = None
def __enter__(self):
self.hitMesh = None
self.hitIndex = None
self.SelectedIndex = None
self.mouse = MyMouseCallback()
self.mouse.Enabled = True
def __exit__(self):
self.mouse.Enabled = False
del self.mouse
Pretty sure thereās some stuff in here I donāt need anymore so Iāll comeback and clean it up and reupload that version but just sharing for now.
Etoās co-ordinates are in logical pixels which is not quite compatible when you have different DPIs, or even multiple screens (due to how Windows treats coordinates in system-dpi aware mode vs Etoās multi-monitor dpi aware mode). To convert a point in physical pixels (e.g. what you get from the viewport, or windows forms APIs, etc), you can use Rhino.UI.EtoExtensions.ToEtoScreen(myPointOrRect). This API was added in Rhino 8.7, and directly calls Etoās Eto.Forms.WpfHelpers.ToEtoScreen() in Eto.Wpf.dll.
Thereās also a Rhino.UI.EtoExtensions.ToSystemDrawingScreen() to convert in the opposite direction, if needed.
Your unstoppable determination is sensational. I hope you know Iām taking my sweet time with this example because itās fun to see what happens when youāre left unattended with an exciting problem.
Thank you @curtisw this is perfect! I went on vacation recently (laptop) and couldnāt work on my UI developments because the DPI thing had me completely stumped. Iām looking forward to updating with the methods you mentioned, thank you for the information!
Donāt take too long though, Iām about to stress test on some massive files and quite confident these solutions wonāt stand the abuse and will likely need a life raft, but hopefully Iāll be pleasantly surprised!
Hereās a quick update that demonstrates how to move all the business logic into RunScript instead (i.e. how to get the mouse location and frustrum line without the arg variable). One should probably just wrap it into a function actually. I also cranked up the mesh sphere count to 1000 and made them more dense to benchmark, this does not appear to affect performance notably on my system:
Get closest mesh under mouse location.
Author: Anders Holden Deleuran
Version: 240706
import Rhino as rc
import GhPython.Assemblies.ExecutingComponent as component
class MyMouseCallback(rc.UI.MouseCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.move = None
def OnMouseMove(self,arg):
self.move = arg
class MyComponent(component):
def RunScript(self,Meshes):
# Get mouse viewport position
mpt = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ScreenToClient(rc.UI.MouseCursor.Location)
# Make ray along frustum line at mouse
r,fl = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.GetFrustumLine(mpt.X,mpt.Y)
ray = rc.Geometry.Ray3d(fl.From,fl.Direction)
# Shot ray onto meshes
hitMeshes = []
hitParams = []
for m in Meshes:
t = rc.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(m,ray)
if t >= 0.0:
# Get closest hit mesh and return it
if hitParams:
return hitMeshes[hitParams.index(max(hitParams))]
return []
def __enter__(self):
self.mouse = MyMouseCallback()
self.mouse.Enabled = True
def __exit__(self):
self.mouse.Enabled = False
del self.mouse
Edit: When I went to 5000 spheres with 2500 faces each, the profiler started kicking in. It still doesnāt feel too laggy though, quite snappy actually:
Love it! Thanks @AndersDeleuran , works great on my end as well! Iām about to test on some of the ābloatedā models from the public ICON Initiative 99 competition repository here since a lot of these have no garbage management in them.
Had some fun augmenting the script to allow multi-selection, un-selection, and selection clearing logic:
I think my conditional statements on index handling are just a little bit goofy in certain cases so Iām trying to track down whatās going on there but otherwise itās a pretty fluid interaction I am very happy with so far.
Forgot to attach the code:
Get closest mesh under mouse location.
Author: Anders Holden Deleuran
Version: 240706
Modified By: Michael Vollrath
Features Added: Python 3, Clickable Selection, Multi-Selection, De-Selection, Selection Clearing
import Rhino as rc
import ghpythonlib.component as component # Changed to this for Python 3
import scriptcontext as sc
from Rhino.UI import ModifierKey
class MyMouseCallback(rc.UI.MouseCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.move = None
self.click = None
self.button = None
self.modifier = None
sc.sticky["sel_indices"] = [] # Initialize as an empty list
def OnMouseMove(self, arg):
self.move = arg
def OnMouseDown(self, e):
self.button = e.Button
self.ctrl = e.CtrlKeyDown
self.shift = e.ShiftKeyDown
self.click = True
def OnMouseUp(self, e):
self.click = False
class MyComponent(component):
def RunScript(self, Meshes: list[object]):
# Get mouse viewport position
mpt = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ScreenToClient(rc.UI.MouseCursor.Location)
# Make ray along frustum line at mouse
r, fl = rc.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.GetFrustumLine(mpt.X, mpt.Y)
ray = rc.Geometry.Ray3d(fl.From, fl.Direction)
# Shot ray onto meshes
hits = []
for i, m in enumerate(Meshes):
t = rc.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshRay(m, ray)
if t >= 0.0:
hits.append((t, i, m))
# Get closest hit index/mesh and return those
if hits:
t, i, m = hits[0]
# rc.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Get Hovered Sticky Value")
sel_indices = sc.sticky["sel_indices"] if "sel_indices" in sc.sticky else []
if self.mouse.click and str(self.mouse.button) == "Left":
if self.mouse.shift: # Multi-select with Shift key
if i not in sel_indices:
elif self.mouse.ctrl: # Remove selection with Ctrl key
if i in sel_indices:
else: # Single select
sel_indices = [i]
sc.sticky["sel_indices"] = sel_indices
return i, sel_indices
return i, sel_indices
elif self.mouse.click and str(self.mouse.button) == "Left":
# rc.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Clear Sticky")
sc.sticky["sel_indices"] = [] # Clear Sticky If No Valid Hit On Mouse Click
sel_indices = sc.sticky["sel_indices"]
return [], sel_indices
# rc.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Get Selected Sticky Value")
sel_indices = sc.sticky["sel_indices"]
return [], sel_indices
def __enter__(self):
self.mouse = MyMouseCallback()
self.mouse.Enabled = True
def __exit__(self):
self.mouse.Enabled = False
del self.mouse
Thatās awesome. This has been a very fun AND useful one. And just for completeness, should OP ever come back, hereās a quick go at drawing a rectangular 2D swatch/icon in the viewport foreground with a left mouse clickable state (purple dots in the video are right clicks, yellow are left clicks, using PowerToys):
Very cool! This will definitely come in handy! Thanks for sharing!
(Also I forgot to add the code for the multi-select, editing the post above with that code now)
Oddly, the code āworksā on Mac OS except that there is a big vertical offset in terms of where the āhit locationā is and where the mouse cursor is. My guess is itās happening in the RayCasting function or .ScreenToClient
Have you ever come across that? I imagine you mostly use Windows?
Just to rule things out, do the GhPython components Iāve posted also not work as expected on Mac? Or is it just the new script editor CPython 3 implementations? Either way, itās maybe something for @CallumSykes or @curtisw to have a look at.
Thanks for the answer! This is something we have been trying to do as well and we ended up using a lot of workaround to ensure we got the right screen point.
This might be a rather dumb question, but here goesā¦
I tried downloaded the nuget Eto.Platform.Wpf.
When I tried to call this line, it returned with a CS0012 error.