Hi all. I do need to ask if it is possible to print a massage in the Rhino command-line from a macro? Something like to print the “Done” message in command-line when the macro it is finishing running?
I usually make scripts, not macro, so I don’t remember if there is a commando to write directly in the command bar…
A workaround could be to put some vbscript directly in the macro to print the message in the command bar or to open a message box with “done”
-_Runscript (
Sub Test
rhino.Messagebox "Done",,"Macro Test Message"
End Sub
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Ok, unfortunately this is giving-me a pop-up window. I do only need to print to console.
Some examples made with Macro editor
This is with the Rhino.Print command that write only in the command prompt
You can put more than a message to give more focus
-_Runscript (
Sub Test
rhino.print "-------------------------------"
rhino.print "Done"
End Sub
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If one can run scripts from a macro, maybe you can use the Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine
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Thank you. It is working now.