Lofted plate issue - not behaving as within TEKLA

Dear all,

I’m running into a problem within the generation of lofted plate, which I was not expected given the simple operation I’m talking about.

I have couple of almost co-planar construction lines from which I need to generate lofted plates. The discretisation of the costructions lines is the same for the pairs of construction lines (same number of points which moreover lay on the same vertical plane). The plate generation is in principle veeery simple.

It turns out that, in same cases, performinng the operation via de Lofted plates component creates the plate but with some kind of visual error - the plate definition lines are not closed (hence the plate appear transparent, see figure below) which are instead built correctly within the TEKLA manual operation (note that for some it is necessary to pick the bottom construction line first).

Incorrect visualisation and plate - plate created with the lofted plate component

Correctly generated via TEKLA manual operation:

I join rhino and GH definition in case anybody could be of any help.

It is rather crucial for me to have those lofted plate genrated correctly as I have to make a number of operations afterwards part cuts, apply UDAs etc - the whole thing beaing already coded in other definitions. I really would like to avoid having to make this simple lofted plate geometry (and all that follow) manually.

@sebastian.lindholm and @magicteddy I wait for your magic replies as usual :wink:

Thank you a lot in advance to anybody who could help!

Lofted plate issue.3dm (624.9 KB)
Lofted plate (46.6 KB)

i added one explode component it seems to be fine for me


@Rajeev2 Thank you very much for this valuable solution ! I did not think of as I thought the portion were already short enough and also because the operation was unsuccessful via TEKLA. Indeed thank you.

Of course that led to a complete restructure of the attribute datas already set and to loss of the plate original size but it is still by far better than manual intervention.

By the way - is there any component around which does the “Added material” function in TEKLA.

That would allow me to restructure merge lofted plates hence re-establish the original size of plates (which has been lost via the explosion trick).

That would be indeed very useful.


Not in the official link I’m afraid.

In general lofted plates are a bit delicate in Tekla - this is a core bug/limitation. I.e. even if you manage to pick those exact points in the Tekla UI, you would still get an invalid plate. Sometimes shifting the control points just a fraction of a mm in any direction might bring the plate back.

You are often able to get working input curves by Rebuilding the input curves, or Divide them into segments and re-join the points as polylines, or a combination of the two. But finding curve degrees and division counts that work for all plates is tricky.



Using Explode and Interpolate also seems to be doing the trick:

The curves will deviate slightly from the original ones, you need to decide on whether they’re still within tolerance. Otherwise Rajeev’s suggestion is the way to go.



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