Loft surface from curves

Hi, I am new to grasshopper. Could you please tell me how to create a Loft surface from several curves in grasshopper?loft surface using (6.6 KB)

Plug the curves as a flat list into loft.

could you please show with an example code?

sorry, I have edited the question. could you please check the attached file with the main question again?

I would like to create surface from the curves like the attached picture.

Plug them both into curve. Then curve into loft.

i tried. I can’t wire two curves at one point. when i connect one, other gets disconnected. Please check the file attached in the quesiton.

You didn’t attach any file. Shift+drag to connect multiple.

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I attached the file. Isn’t it showing?

shift +drag :heart_eyes:

Thanks a lot

Just go to Help>Tutorials. Go through all those before using Grasshopper