Lisp Programming Language

Lisp is the only programming language that makes sense. Its clarity and versatility will never be matched by other programming languages.

…too many brackets. (Sorry o.t. I took the bait.)

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There are a couple of things that set Lisp apart IMO:

  • Using a single data type (or data structure) both for code and for data.
  • A very simple syntax / evaluation rule.

McCarthy was a genius … :slight_smile:

… But I would’nt agree on that. I love programming languages … :grinning:

Critics say that LISP = lost is stupid parenthesis, but I like them, because they provide clarity and brevity. (Brevity means that we can write several instructions on every line of text, so that simple program, or complex function, fits on the monitor.) I do not need comments to understand how Lisp program works, but when I look at C code, I am bewildered.

Debugging is stressful. :tired_face: :face_vomiting: :cold_face: :sob: :scream: I have not written any code for a decade, but I remember that I sometimes could not find a bug for one hour. I belive that all programming languages need graphical interface similar to the Grasshopper. The main purpose of this interface would be depicting data flow (forward or backward) at the time when the bug stops the program.


We are not planning on providing a lisp interpreter for Rhino at any time in the near future. That said, the new RhinoCode project is being designed to be extendible and would allow a 3rd party to write a lisp interpreter for Rhino.


What is ‘RhinoCode’ ?

See Ehsan’s post here for a description of RhinoCode

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I also like lisp very much, which is why Autodesk has been using lisp so far

Can you recommend some excellent lisp learning websites or forums

I recommend the following book: Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation, by David Touretzky, 2013

The following books are also worth mentioning:
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp, by Paul Graham, 1993
ANSI Common Lisp, by Paul Graham, 1995
Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp: A Programmer’s Guide to CLOS, by Sonya Keene, 1989
Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach, by Stuart Shapiro, 1991
Common Lisp: The Language (2nd ed.) by Guy Steele, 1990
Lisp Lore: A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine (2nd ed.) by Bromley & Lamson, 1987
Practical Common Lisp, by Peter Seibel, 2005
Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time, by Conrad Barski, 2010
Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp, by David Lamkins, 2004
Lisp, by Patrick Winston and Berthold Horn, 1993

All these books are about Common Lisp.

I like his introductory statement in the Python video…

“It’s arguably the most popular language in the world because its easy to learn, yet practical for serious projects.”


“Many students start learning to code using Python because its emphasis on readability as outlined by the Zen of Python: Beautiful is better than ugly and Explicit is better than implicit.”


Best CAD programs use Parasolid geometric modeling kernel. This kernel is written in Lisp. Parasolid API provides a Lisp interface to the kernel.

That’s not what the incredibly random webpage you got that from says. It just says there’s a LISP api.