Continuing the discussion from C++ linker warnings regarding ON_SimpleArray:
What I would like to ask is whether it is possible to have the following set up, where I have a native C++ DLL linked with a 3rd party meshing library and with the opensource OpenNURBS static library (built from code). This DLL exports a function for conversion to a different file format, which is performed by the third party meshing library.
Then, I create a C# plug-in that calls the C++ mesh export function using P/Invoke, marshalling a pointer to an ON_Mesh object. to the C++ side.
Is it possible to link on the one hand to the static OpenNURBS library, while receiving a pointer from Rhino to an ON_Mesh object that comes from the Rhino opennurbs_x64 shared library?
Small drawing:
C++ DLL exports function
linked with 3rd-party mesh static lib
linked with OpenNURBS static lib
C# Rhino Plug-in
Has a command that calls the
exported C++ DLL function by p/invoke
Rhino: user issues command
Linked to opennurbs_x64.dll