Layer states in Worksession

+1 saving layer states of worksession files (and linked blocks) would be really really helpful

the workaround I’m using right now is:

  1. copying linked blocks you want to change to a separate file
  2. making all necessary adjustments to layers
  3. saving the “layer state”
  4. saving that temporary file in a temporary location
  5. back in the original file importing layer state from that temporary file
  6. restoring that layer state when rhino starts

The last step can be automated by adding -LayerStateManager Restore $name-of-that-state to Options–>General–>Command Lists (Run these commands every time Rhino starts)

I think this issue has been partially resolved. I did a test and Rhino remembers Visibility, Colour and Print Colour or referenced files. However the ability to change other parameters has now been blocked. For example when trying to change a Linetype parameter of a referenced layers, the following error pops out: Cannot change linetype of referenced layer.

I originally raised this issue 8 years ago, would be really useful to finally see it resolved.


This is really annoying to see that this is still blocked since so many years…
Please fix it ! Hard to collaborate on rhino without this type of features.

I just tested Rhino 8 and the issue still persists. Really disappointing, it’s been 9 years since I raised this issue…