Kmeans clustering grasshopper

Hey everyone, I have three branches of points and I would like to split them into three groups, each group representing one branch, with KMeans clustering.

I’ve tried to do this in GHpython (with chatgpt’s help), but it doesn’t seem to give me the right clusters.

import random
from math import sqrt

Helper function to calculate Euclidean distance

def distance(p1, p2):
“”“Calculate Euclidean distance between two 3D points.”“”
return sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2 + (p1[2] - p2[2])**2)

K-means++ initialization to pick initial centroids

def initialize_centroids_kmeans_pp(points, num_clusters):
“”“Initialize centroids using K-means++ to improve initial clustering.”“”
centroids =
centroids.append(random.choice(points)) # Randomly pick the first centroid

for _ in range(1, num_clusters):
    distances = []
    for p in points:
        # Calculate the minimum distance to the closest existing centroid
        min_distance = min([distance(p, c) for c in centroids])
        distances.append(min_distance**2)  # Square the distance for probability
    # Select a new centroid based on weighted probabilities
    total_distance = sum(distances)
    prob_distribution = [d / total_distance for d in distances]
    rand_value = random.random() * total_distance
    cumulative = 0.0
    for i, prob in enumerate(prob_distribution):
        cumulative += prob * total_distance
        if cumulative >= rand_value:

return centroids

K-means algorithm with K-means++ initialization

def k_means(points, num_clusters, max_iterations=100):
“”“K-means clustering algorithm with K-means++ initialization.”“”
num_clusters = int(num_clusters) # Ensure num_clusters is an integer

# Initialize centroids using K-means++
centroids = initialize_centroids_kmeans_pp(points, num_clusters)
clusters = [[] for _ in range(num_clusters)]

for _ in range(max_iterations):
    # Step 1: Assign points to the nearest centroid
    clusters = [[] for _ in range(num_clusters)]
    for i, p in enumerate(points):
        distances = [distance(p, c) for c in centroids]
        cluster_idx = distances.index(min(distances))
    # Step 2: Update centroids as the mean of their clusters
    new_centroids = []
    for cluster in clusters:
        if cluster:
            cluster_points = [points[i] for i in cluster]
            new_centroid = tuple(sum(c) / len(c) for c in zip(*cluster_points))
            # If a cluster is empty, keep the previous centroid
    # Stop if centroids do not change
    if new_centroids == centroids:
    centroids = new_centroids

return clusters, centroids

Ensure inputs are lists of numbers

if not isinstance(x, list) or not isinstance(y, list) or not isinstance(z, list):
raise ValueError(“Inputs x, y, and z must be lists of numbers.”)

Combine x, y, z inputs into a list of points

points = [(x[i], y[i], z[i]) for i in range(len(x))]

Ensure k is an integer

k = int(k)

Perform K-means clustering

clusters, centroids = k_means(points, k)


a = clusters # Clustered point indices
b = centroids # Centroid coordinates
print(“Final Clusters:”, clusters)
print(“Final Centroids:”, centroids)
print(“x-values:”, x)

not sure Kmean clustering is useful here. You can use Point Group is there is enough distance between groups.

KMean clustering is useful if all points are next to each others.

I have to do this for a lot of these branch types, so sometimes the distance between the points of the three branches will be much shorter as seen in the picture. So I’m looking to automate this process of splitting into three groups of points. My professor had recommended using KMeans.

OK, if you want some answer from your code it would be better to post it with some relevant data (the points). Also Chap GPT answer seems to not use a lot Rhino function. Distance between points already exists !

In the classic good-old KMeans yes. But you can add additional criteria (“towards” fuzzy CMeans).