Iteration points

hello every body, i’ve got a closed polyline, and i would like to know how many 90° angles there is.

so i wrote:

    for i in range(0,len(points)-1):
        angle=rs.Angle2( points[i] , points[i+1] , points[i+1] , points[i+2])

if i have 4 points, i can have easely angle between

  • line point 0 to point 1 and line point 1 to point 2
  • line point 1 to point 2 and line point 2 to point 3
  • line point 2 to point 3 and line point 3 to point 4,

but how can i script the line point 3 to point 4 and line point 4 to point 0?

how about something like points[(i+2) % len(points]

sorry but i don’t understand… :flushed: :open_mouth:

and do you know what does mean:

“Message: 2d0a1c6a-4414-41ad-aede-144a8efa83ed does not exist in ObjectTable”

angle=rs.Angle2( points[0] , points[1] , points[-1] , points[-2])
#should work even if the polyline is not closed, but probably doesn't make much sense in that case

Probably means this object references something that you either deleted or doesn’t exist anymore because of some some operation - for example joining two objects results in a new single object id, but the original two ids are then gone.

how about this, may need lp = len(points) -1 depending on whether the curve is closed… something like that …?

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

lp = len(points)
for i in range(lp):
    angle=rs.Angle2( [points[i] , points[(i+1)%lp] ], [points[(i+1)%lp] , points[(i+2)%lp]])
    print angle

yes it is…

    sorted_surfs=sorted([(rs.SurfaceArea(surf)[0],surf) for surf in surfs],reverse=True)

if i delete (surfs), it delete (sorted_surfs) too…

Yes that’s it, thank you!!

@Dancergraham, how do you translate %lp in real french, i made some test to understand, but i need to translate this ‘notion’ to remember it.

C’est le modulo : par exemple modulo 4 on compte 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0…

C’est le reste lorsqu’on divise par 4.

i knew modulo, but i didn’t know where i can use it… but know, i know!!! i’ll remember it??? not sure! :flushed:

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The modulus is a pretty simple concept, just don’t overthink it and you’ll remember! :wink:
It simply returns the remainder of the division of the first number to the second.
For example:

  • 2 % 2 = 0, because 2 fits entirely into 2, and thus 0 remains
  • 2 % 3 = 1, because 2 fits once into 3, and thus 1 remains
  • 6 % 4 = 2, because 4 fits once into 4, and 2 remains

Other than for simply finding the remainder and/or for the case that @Dancergraham already explained, it can for instance be used to deduce if a number is odd or even, meaning divisible by 2 with a remainder of 0:

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2 == 0:
        print i, "-> even"  # remainder is 0
        print i, "-> odd"  # remainder is 1 or greater

Similar to the example above, it can also be used to create “cyclical” iterations, which will reset once they achieve a certain index:

i = 0  # initial index

while True:
    i = (i + 1) % 6  # update the index and resets when i = 5, because (5 + 1) % 6 = 0

These are the most common uses I’ve seen, but there are many others.