When dealing with a simple one level tree, the treesloth “Renumber paths” does a fine job, but I’d like to know if there is an elegant way to do it on, say, a tree with thwo branch levels :
By the way, was this achievable with the “Path mapper” ?
If not, I hope @DavidRutten will make this kind of path hearding easier in V2.
I understand that “any” tree can exist, and that it is very challenging to make a tool that can operate on such diversity of paths, but in the real world, most trees have a very simple structure, by design and by the nature of the data that is stored.
It would make sense to have tools that cater for these simple cases.
Indeed, this is a very straightforward way.
In fact, my data is originally Elefront Blocks.
I wonder if the “Group” and “Ungroup” components are native or come from a plugin… can’t remember.
One could also use Metahopper’s “Pack” and “Unpack”