I need a hand to model a spiral staircase on grasshopper. The main difficulty is in the irregular curve of the staircase. In fact, the staircase has a smaller circumference on the lower floor and this tends to widen on the upper floors. On the top floor the staircase reaches its maximum circumferential diameter; the latter also has a center of gravity shifted compared to the lower circumferences.
Initially I thought of drawing the curve on rhino and setting it on grasshopper but I wanted to know if there was an algorithm that would allow me to model it directly on grasshopper. I have attached a technical drawing and photo of the staircase below.
Thank you
If you google “grasshopper stairs” you’ll find many other examples from where to start.
I don’t know if this is your case, but generally it’s not the best approach to have everything parametrized in grasshopper.
For example, in this case the path-curve of the stair would likely be best if made manyally in rhino, a degree 5 curve, where you can manually adjust its path with the curvature graph on.
Then slicing and making steps is the funny part in grasshopper.