I have some questions,
so i am trying to do something simple but some how i manage to screw it,
i divided my curve into segments and now i want to connect each 3 points with an interpolate curve,
but it will make a curve trough all of them.
Help pls
pannels help.3dm (1.1 MB) pannels help.gh (12.7 KB)
Don’t flatten. Use Flip Matrix. I can’t open your (1.1 MB!?) R6 .3dm file in R5 so can’t do more.
Curves with “kinks”, as in your screen shot, get more complicated, unless you just Loft them:
This is brutal, ugly, not parametric, embarrassing really… beyond my pay grade.
pannels_help_2019Jul9b.gh (21.9 KB)
(geometry is internalized, no need for Rhino file)
One more option:
pannels_help_2019Jul9c.gh (13.1 KB)
great! thank you very much