"Interpolate" curve creates NURBS? What are the benefits of NURBS?

Hi everyone,

I am writing a manuscript about works using ‘interpolate curve’. Could anyone privide more information of the NURBS?

Thank you all!

NURBS means Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines and is form of polynomial spline curve. NURBS curves and surfaces are the basis of Rhino and many other software packages.

Google or other search for NURBS will yield many other sources of information about NURBS.

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Thank you so much, @davidcockey, for you prompt reply!
I will check these sources.
By the way, the points used in ‘Interpolate curve’ are contol points, or knot points? I am confused for this.

It depends on the curve degree. For degree 3 the input points to InterpCrv become the knots of the result.

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I am using degee 3 so they are knots.
That’s a great answer and thanks again!
Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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