Image Sampler Dendrology

Dear All,
For a project, I want to vectorise silhouette and year rings of wood samples with the image sampler.
(See example image).

I know there is special software, however it does not vectorize data, and as further processing of this data will be done in grasshopper it would be much more efficient to have it all in one place.
Do you know if this is possible? I am somewhat blank on where to start, as I do not have any experience with the image sampler.

You can try Rooster plugin:
You might want to use an image editor to increase the contrast so the lines are more visible.

Although it might just be easier & quicker to trace the curves yourself and reference into GH.

Thanks, will try this, I have roughly 60 samples in a first step, therefore automising this process would be nice

this seems to be a difficult task. Image has not a lot contrast, except the borders. So it needs cropping.
Rooster will give you that

Image Thinner that

or that

wood (7.8 KB)

So I think by hand it will be more precise and faster.

Or go over the lines with a black pen for more contrast.

That looks quite promising! Thanks Laurent, and great plugin!
I tried to copy your result, however, my final view is not as detailed as yours, anything I need to adjust in your definition?

try Bitmap+ to tweak the image on the fly before sending it to Rooster to see immediate effect of change in contrast or edge detection

I use the image that is in my answer. Cropped and more contrast

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