If you are buying a new laptop READ THIS

I have experience with Parallels on MacBook Pro. Worked great until Rhino 5. After that not so much if at all.

I have never tried Bootcamp but from what I understand when running under Bootcamp an Intel Mac IS a PC, so Rhino should work fine within the capabilities of the hardware. Problem is MacBook Pro 2019 doesn’t have much of a video card and its AMD to boot.

With the newer MacBook with Apple silicon there is, as I understand, no Bootcamp but some kind of emulation instead. I think the jury is still out on how well Rhino for Windows works with that. I also don’t think MacBook Pros with Apple silicon are available yet, but maybe I’m just not keeping up.

Thanks, yes I am looking at this machine for example :

AMD Radeon Pro 5500M with 8GB of GDDR6 memory
2.4GHz 8‑core Intel Core i9, Turbo Boost up to 5.0GHz, with 16MB shared L3 cache
32GB of 2666MHz DDR4 onboard memory

The M1 is a bit of a non-starter with Windows as I understand (or certainly a long way off) and it still uses Parallels (or VMWAre I think is the alternative) - which as virtualisation technology and several times less effective/efficient than the equivalent computer under Bootcamp as I understand it.
I would be interested to know if Rhino for Windows would run & render in Parallels (on an M1 machine) I suspect not

I mean : really I just want to check that a Bootcamp 2021 Macbook Pro (Intel) works well under Bootcamp (as you say it IS a windows PC when booted into windows and so shoudl be a nice machine)… and also whether by going down this (Intel Mac) route I am still likely to be able to run Mac Rhino at some point in the future (when they have a more stable release ?)

I mean this guy seems to suggest that boot camp is problematic (I.e fans spinning)

Comment in the ‘If you are buying a new mac read this’ thread states :

Which is in direct contradiction to the youtube clip above (which states that ONLY the dedicated graphics card will run)

I contacted support… who told me to read these threads

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Ultimately I have come to the conclusion that I am better of buying a dedicated PC Laptop to run Rhino.
It seems too risky to rely on Bootcamp, and the M1 Mac for Rhino seems a little way off for the time being

I was also sent to these threads. I understand not being able to test every system out there. However, Rhino support not having clear information on the Apple M1 chips and how they work seems like a bit of a gaping hole.

I’m in a similar situation where I need to upgrade. I have an existing PC that is adequate but quickly becoming obsolete and a macbook air that is definitely dying.

I’d like to combine them into one new MacBook Pro (M1 Pro) but I’m hesitant to pull the trigger until Rhino can actually take advantage of the new silicon’s power. . . I’d hate to spend all that money and get mediocre performance.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

I opted for a dedicated PC laptop. I just read too many posts about Rhino on Mac M1 not really working.
I toyed with the idea of buying an Intel Mac (the last batch so to speak) but honestly they were so expensive I couldn’t justify it.

I have not regretted my decision, I do still think that Rhino for Mac is not 100% yet on M1 from much of what i have read - albeit that it is undoubtedly just around the corner.
Ultimately my hand was forced as I had to source a new laptop for work as I no longer had the luxury of my employer providing one…

If you can wait I really would as it seems to me things will be very different in a matter of a few months.

I will need to get a mac at some point. I’ll wait for the next wave of M1 macs I expect and hopefully will be able to afford by then !

m1’s are performing well here in testing, with v7 BUT (and this is a big BUT)

the intent is that they will really realize their full potential when we can integrate all the capabilities M1 has to offer.

when will this be? not sure. We are tentatively aiming for v8, but there is much work to do.

in the meantime, PC’s with an rtx card are the hot set up. When we can uncork all that M1 can do, that will likely change and the mac may be a performance monster. It’s speculation at this point, but if you buy an M1 and are happy with it’s performance, you should be super happy with v8.

my recommendation? see if you can download rhino on a M1 test unit and give it a proper go for yourself.

I am new to Rhino and and currently trying to sart navigating my way around this new software. SO forgive me if this question seems stupid. My questions relates to the 4gb of ram per screen requirement. I am running two screens as I run on laptop, however Rhino is always only being shown on one screen, while the other is used to look at notes / references. Will Rhino still require 8gb to run properly? Or will I be ok with my current Geforce RTX 2060 which I think s running 6gb. Anything I should do (Other than making sure that the system display is forced to use the Ge Force Card instead of the standard one) to make Rhino run smoothest. Running Rhino 8, Intel Core i7-9750H Installed 32.00gb RAM Windows 11 MSI GL65 9se Laptop
Thank you

I think you’ll be fine with 6 gb VRAM.
When (or if) you end up doing a lot of GPU enabled rendering, then a more powerful NVIDIA GPU with loads of VRAM and CUDA cores will speed that process up a good amount.