How to use component Triangles generation (19)

how to use component Triangles generation (19)

Try to generate “ASCII” file through grasshopper.

Here is the procedure to create ASCII file.

You can load this ASCII file in Parameter tab.
Attached one sample ASCII file for your idea.
Sample ASCII.txt (1.3 KB)


I created a triangulated plate, but I would like for the triangulated lines to not appear on my drawing. Does anyone know if I can change the display of the triangulated plate on the drawing?

There doesn’t seem to be an out of the box switch to hide these lines. There are a few workarounds suggested in this old forum post:

The suggestions include using the Drawing 2D library to flatten the output and remove the lines, or draw a polyline around the parts and then hide the parts.

Your Tekla helpdesk might have other more recent alternatives.

