How to simulate Relaxed Roman Shade curtain, fixed along perimeter

Good evening,

For a Uni project, I am looking to emulate the Wall screens (pola sisi) made of coconut leaf that are found in vernacular Samoan Fale (See first Image).


Instead of singular modules, though, I wish to have a single blind wrapping around the perimeter of the roof eaves, which are drawn up. Similar to the Cineroleum by Assemble Architects.

The blinds should be drawn up at the centres of each column, so fairly regular points. Would this be possible?

Hi @blakeaitken02 ,

Take a look at this post where Daniel shares a horizontal drawn curtain script.

If you extrapolate the logic to have the points start at the bottom and pull up on the Z instead of the example shown with a horizontal approach I believe you will get a close result to what you seek.

Hope that helps!

Hey, thank you for your help.
I was unable to do what you suggested.
The curtain follows the perimeter of the exterior wall of my project, and i have been unable to figure out how to incorporate a rail into this.
I wonder if you could help more.

Hi @blakeaitken02 ,

Please upload your grasshopper file,


I was unable to figure out your aforementioned definitions, but here is a definition with my curtain mesh. (3.0 KB)

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You don’t have any experiments you did trying to implement the code I shared earlier?

While I understand the intent of the mesh you shared being your building exterior, this file puts all the leg work on me with no effort from your end.

I’m happy to help but I’d like to have more of a starting point/effort on your end you know? :upside_down_face:

What you shared:

If you attempt more/share more, I’ll do the same :slight_smile:

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curtain (35.7 KB)

Guess with more subdivisions and stiffness it would be possible.
NGon, Nautilus.
Honeycam 2023-09-23 13-00-29

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oh wow, thank you so much for the help!