How to select surface in tekla

Inside Tekla Structures there is a possibility to select a surface on a object.

I think that this can be done in Grasshopper using API inside of C# component.
I know that i can import object to GH change it to the BREP explode it and then select a surface but i want that all input operations will be in tekla. This is a lot more user friendly, and lot faster than jumping beetwen Tekla-Rhino-Grasshopper.

Has anyone got solution for this? I am very bad in API and C# so inventing this will take me ages.

Hi @susi33 ,

Not quite sure that I understand your question but would you not just use the Tekla Surface Component to select a surface in Tekla? It’s a fairly new addition to the Tekla GH link so make sure that you have the latest version installed.




You understand my request well, and this is exactly what i wanted. Thank you very much!

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You’re welcome, glad I could help!