How to select / delete all curves inside a region?

I was wondering if there would be a command / script / … to automatically delete all curves inside a region.
In this case I would want all the red curves that are in the green region to be deleted and if there are red curves outside the region they should stay.

Or in other words I would want this green hatch to be the region of a selection, where this hatch would be used to select every object in it’s field. (and then I can run delete on the selected objects)

Is there a way to do this automatically?


SelBoundary selects objects based on a closed curve. The SelectionMode option determines which objects are selected.
Window - objects completely inside the closed curve
InvertWindow - objects completely outside the closed curve
Crossiing - objects completely inside the closed curve and objects crossed by the closed curve
InvertCrossing - objects completely outside the closed curve and objects crossed by the closed curve.

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SelectionFilter allows choice of types of objects to be selected.

Select cures in the pop-up window. Do not close the window.

Set SelectionMode to desired mode
Pick the closed boundary curve.
Curves will be selected depending on the boundary curve and the SelectionMode


Hi and thanks, but unfortunately SelBoundary won’t help because the region of objects to be selected is not defined by a single curve, but rather a region between two curves (black), that I managed to hatch (green)