How to redraw preview?

Hello everyone!
I have a problem. I implemented a base component.
but i move the obeject in Rhino doc,preiview does not redraw ,like this.

Maybe I forgot to implement something…
So anyone can help me?
this is my code.

public class TextEntityGoo : GH_GeometricGoo<TextEntity>, IGH_PreviewData, IGH_BakeAwareData
        public override BoundingBox Boundingbox => Value?.GetBoundingBox(false) ?? BoundingBox.Empty;

        public BoundingBox ClippingBox => Boundingbox;

        public override bool IsValid => Value != null;

        public override string TypeDescription => "TextEntity";

        public override string TypeName => "TextEntity";

        public TextEntityGoo()
            Value = new TextEntity();

        public TextEntityGoo(TextEntityGoo textEntityGoo)
            Value = textEntityGoo.Value.Duplicate() as TextEntity;

        public TextEntityGoo(TextEntity textEntity) : base(textEntity)

        public bool BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, out Guid obj_guid)
            if (Value == null)
                obj_guid = Guid.Empty;
                return false;
            obj_guid = doc.Objects.AddText(Value);
            return true;

        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            if (source is TextEntity entity)
                Value = entity;
                return true;
            return false;

        public override bool CastTo<Q>(out Q target)
            if (typeof(Q).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TextEntity)))
                target = (Q)(object)Value;
                return true;
            target = default;
            return false;

        public void DrawViewportMeshes(GH_PreviewMeshArgs args)

        public void DrawViewportWires(GH_PreviewWireArgs args)
            if (Value == null) return;
            args.Pipeline.DrawText(Value, args.Color);

        public override IGH_Goo Duplicate()
            return new TextEntityGoo(this);

        public override IGH_GeometricGoo DuplicateGeometry()
            var entity = Value.Duplicate() as TextEntity;
            return new TextEntityGoo(entity);

        public override BoundingBox GetBoundingBox(Transform xform)
            var entity = Value.Duplicate() as TextEntity;
            return entity.GetBoundingBox(false);

        public override IGH_GeometricGoo Morph(SpaceMorph xmorph)
            var entity = Value.Duplicate() as TextEntity;

            return new TextEntityGoo(entity);

        public override bool Read(GH_IReader reader)
            //var text = string.Empty;
            //GH_IO.Types.GH_Plane pln = new GH_IO.Types.GH_Plane();
            //var flag = reader.TryGetString("text", ref text);
            //reader.TryGetPlane("plane", ref pln);

            return base.Read(reader);

        public override object ScriptVariable()
            return Value.PlainText;

        public override string ToString()
            if (m_value != null)
                return m_value.PlainText;
                return "<null>";

        public override IGH_GeometricGoo Transform(Transform xform)
            var entity = Value.Duplicate() as TextEntity;
            return new TextEntityGoo(entity);

        public override bool Write(GH_IWriter writer)
            return base.Write(writer);
public class Param_TextEntity : GH_PersistentParam<TextEntityGoo>, IGH_BakeAwareObject, IGH_PreviewObject
        public BoundingBox ClippingBox => Preview_ComputeClippingBox();
        public override Guid ComponentGuid => Guid.Parse("117CAC76-F72E-43D7-B7F9-91562855A93C");

        public override GH_Exposure Exposure => GH_Exposure.secondary;
        public bool Hidden { get; set; }
        public bool IsBakeCapable => true;
        public bool IsPreviewCapable => true;
        public override string TypeName => nameof(TextEntity);

        protected override Bitmap Icon => Properties.Resources.文本;

        public Param_TextEntity() : base("TextEntity", null, "文本", "Params", "Geometry")

        public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, List<Guid> obj_ids)
            BakeGeometry(doc, null, obj_ids);

        public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List<Guid> obj_ids)
            var util = new GH_BakeUtility(OnPingDocument());
            util.BakeObjects(m_data, att, doc);

        public void DrawViewportMeshes(IGH_PreviewArgs args)

        public void DrawViewportWires(IGH_PreviewArgs args)

        public override void RemoveEffects()

        protected override TextEntityGoo InstantiateT()
            return new TextEntityGoo();

        protected override TextEntityGoo PreferredCast(object data)
            return data is TextEntityGoo goo ? goo : null;

        protected override GH_GetterResult Prompt_Plural(ref List<TextEntityGoo> values)
            var get = new GetObject();
            get.GetMultiple(1, 0);
            if (get.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success)
                return GH_GetterResult.cancel;
            values = get.Objects().Select(o => new TextEntityGoo(o.TextEntity())).ToList();
            return GH_GetterResult.success;

        protected override GH_GetterResult Prompt_Singular(ref TextEntityGoo value)
            var get = new GetObject();
            if (get.CommandResult() != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success)
                return GH_GetterResult.cancel;
            var entity = get.Object(0).TextEntity();
            value = new TextEntityGoo(entity);

            return GH_GetterResult.success;