How to make a tangent brended surface inbetween? please give me tips

how to make a tangent brended surface inbetween? please give me tips.

I want to create a seamless surface between the green and red surfaces, but the surface i got is wavy.

what i did is:

  1. use _InterpcrvOnSrf command to create curves on each of red and green surfaces. (see image1,3)
  2. create brend curves (_BlendCrv) to networksrf later. (see image3)
  3. _NetworkSrf from 4 curves. (see image2)
  4. i want to improve these bumpy and peaked surfaces. (see image3)

thanks for your help!

a.3dm (935.4 KB)

Hello - the existing surfaces are something of a mess - the edges are way out of tolerance:

and the file tolerance is too large anyway, at .1. Please see: for more information on tolerances. Once you get that sorted out and the model cleaned up, BlendSrf would be the first tool to try.


Hi Pascal,

Sorry for the late reply. I gave up using networksrf with the original surfaces, but i replaced to new surfaces again and did with 2 rail sweep instead. i set 0.1 as tolerance and it works. surfaces are still not neat but it got much better.

thanks a lot!