isnt it just a scaled sphere?
hey thanks alot for helping me… well here is the for rhino file, can u put grid on the surface from grasshopper and send me the script please
form.3dm (1.1 MB)
yes basic shape is sphere but i want to make changes to the sphere evolved and lastly apply grid thats it
I dont think lunchbox is the way to go if you want a even distribution
I have to spend time with this, I’m relatively new to GH myself. Plus in my field there aren’t very many weird forms like these
This could be solved with data trees manipulation, lists, domains and all that I still can’t understand.
thank you for suggestion… but i want hexagonal grid pattern which idk how to do it
can anyone pleasee create a grid pattern(preferred hexgagonal) on the form(rhino file i have attached) make grasshopper script and send it to me God bless
form.3dm (1.1 MB)
Use a mesh, then use Ngons.
hey please attach a basic rhino script of any form with hex grid mesh from ngon i m new in gh so unable to do it…really need your help… form 3d i have attached
form.3dm (1.1 MB)
btw best answer so far really helpful suggestion but i cant do it myself
yes i’ve tried that but i have so many missing plugins so its not working for me… ty its a good answer
idk man
michael pryor what to do now?
It says “Add library files to: …\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries and unblock them.” and this is for Rhino 6. You just need this plug in so I don’t know how you have so many missing.
You are using Rhino 5, it requires Rhino 6. Update to Rhino 6
but i am working with tspline which doesn’t work in r6 lol
ill try and come back to you again