The GHs above are what I tried so far, for me it is too hard, help!
The first one has a plugin called FroGH, which can return the Frenet Serret frame of a polyline, maybe it can be a reference.
I don’t know what are they exactly either…
But from my very limited experience and all the posts have related keywords, I think they are crucial when animating something moving along a curve in 3D space.
Specially the latter which appears more stable.
Isn’t that pretty important even though GH is not an animation tool?
Are you trying to solve a specific problem or is this a theoretical question?
If you are searching a practical solution, PFrame is the answer:
Of each PFrame
Z axis is the tangent N
X axis is the derivative T
Y axis is the cross product B of N and T
(x and y axes might be the other way around, I don’t remember)
It occurred to me when I was answering a community question. I used vector math to orient this monkey on the slider. I think if I can get the frames I mentioned in the title(by evaluating a curve), the animation would be much easier and much more accurate on a complex nurbs curve.
I think the bishop frame is crucial when somebody needs to fly a monkey along a trail in the sky.
@Joseph_Oster how can you say it’s not fun, it’s fun, look at the cute monkey.